Spread the Good
Autism Society of Indiana
We’ve partnered with Haulstr, a local mulch & firewood delivery service, for our fundraiser. Schedule your service, and Haulstr donates a portion of each order to local causes.
1. Enter zip code to see what’s available in your neighborhood.
2. Pick your preferred delivery date.
3. Haulstr donates $5 / cubic yard of mulch or $10 / rick of firewood ordered to our cause.
4. Haulstr makes ordering and delivery simple, and every order supports us! If needed, you can reschedule 24 hrs in advance.
About Our Cause:
Our Mission
The Autism Society of Indiana (ASI) exists to ensure that every individual and every family affected by autism in the State of Indiana receives the high-quality services they deserve.
Our Vision
To make our services more readily available by opening up 5 new locations in Indiana over the next 5 years.
Our Values
ASI is dedicated to ensuring that every program, service, or support provided to our community is Person-Centered, and focused on Personal Outcome Measures (POM). Specifically, all of our work is based on the following core values:
Each person with autism is unique and should be treated as such.
Every person with autism should have the same opportunities as any other person.
People with autism should have choices and control over their lives.
1800 N Meridian St #103B
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Indianapolis, IN 46202