Spread the Good
Second Helpings
We’ve partnered with Haulstr, a local mulch & firewood delivery service, for our fundraiser. Schedule your service, and Haulstr donates a portion of each order to local causes.
1. Enter zip code to see what’s available in your neighborhood.
2. Pick your preferred delivery date.
3. Haulstr donates $5 / cubic yard of mulch or $10 / rick of firewood ordered to our cause.
4. Haulstr makes ordering and delivery simple, and every order supports us! If needed, you can reschedule 24 hrs in advance.
About Our Cause:
Second Helpings fights hunger in Central Indiana from every angle. We rescue food that would otherwise be thrown away, prepare it, deliver it to local nonprofits for free, and train people for careers in the culinary industry. We deliver more than a million meals every year—many of them to kids and seniors.
1121 Southeastern Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Indianapolis, IN 46202