Landscape Drainage Solutions

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Landscape Drainage Solutions
Your backyard and outdoor patio can be a charming combination of spaces, offering an area to entertain guests, let pets and children play, exercise, cultivate a garden, and more! Part of making these spaces last is maintaining and caring for them. Moving your lawn regularly, trimming hedges, washing your patio, and caring for your irrigation system can all help keep your yard and patio looking the best that they can be. While more surface-level, visually impressive aspects of these areas are certainly very important, what lies underneath them matters just as much!
Landscape drainage solutions are a vital aspect to consider when caring for your patio and yard. Without them, the soil in your yard can swell, shift, and slide. This can lead to a multitude of problems in your yard, many of which can be quite frustrating and expensive. Not to mention, they can cost you a lot of personal time as well, leading your backyard and patio areas to be a source of stress and anxiety.
This shouldn’t be the case, though! Your backyard and patio should be a source of relaxation and enjoyment — not an ongoing, tedious project. While it is true that yards do require regular maintenance and that redoing them can be fun, there shouldn’t be constant, massive projects that require ripping up or revamping large sections of your yard.
Yard drainage companies specialize in offering landscaping drainage solutions for your outdoor space. They can help by offering services like providing an estimate and showing you possible drainage options, such as the popular French drain. When hiring drainage contractors, keep in mind your budget and your overall needs for your yard. This will help to keep the project manageable and low-stress, so you can quickly get back to enjoying your yard and patio areas!
Residential Drainage Problems
Some outdoor spaces are, unfortunately, more prone to drainage issues than others. Common residential drainage problems include:
French Drain Mistakes
If your French drain wasn’t originally installed correctly, it could be improperly draining, leading to water pooling in areas of your yard.
Tree Roots Blocking Water Pipes
Another common reason for the lack of drainage in a yard is tree roots. Tree roots can grow, stretching out and disturbing pipes underground. They can crack or break when this happens, causing water to rush out.
Issues with Your Irrigation System
Broken or cracked pipes and incorrectly-working sprinklers can not only waste water; they can cause it to fill your backyard too. When this happens, it’s likely to affect your grass or even cause root rot in your trees, which can be a huge hazard, should a tree come down.
Improper Gutter System
A gutter system that isn’t working properly is a recipe for disaster — for both your roof and your yard. Flooding and other issues can quickly occur, so rule this out.
Drainage issues in the backyard can cause problems like water damage and dead grass and foliage. Researching companies that fix drainage issues is a great way to find someone who can help provide a solution. Get back to enjoying your yard and stop having to worry about drainage issues, knowing a trusted professional has taken care of everything you need.
Types Of Yard Drains
What kinds of drainage options are available for your yard? A few different types of storm water drainage systems exist:
- A Dry Well
- A French Well
- Building a Slope
- Consider a Creekbed
- Create a Rain Garden
Whatever you choose when contracting garden drainage solutions, you should always be sure to hire a licensed progressional. Residential drainage solutions can be complicated and sometimes require digging, reworking irrigation, or coordinating with the city if there is an issue with your water pipes. Thus, this is a good task to leave up to the experts.
Also, be sure you take into account any environmental concerns. You should always speak with the city before allowing your yard to drain into another body of water, and you shouldn’t ever be draining your yard onto someone else’s property. When in doubt, you should always contact the proper municipal department, as well as secure any necessary paperwork or permits. You should always do this well in advance of starting any yard or construction project. Everyone sometimes knows paperwork can take a few days, especially in the era of COVID-19. Plan and be a courteous neighbor for the best results when doing this key yard project!
Yard Drainage
So how do you work at keeping your backyard well-drained? Yard drainage can be tricky, but with these tips, you’ll have the perfect space in no time! Utilizing one or more of the above solutions is a significant step to getting your yard’s drainage.
But what if you want to avoid constructing a rain garden yourself or installing a yard drainage pipe by hand? Or what if you don’t have the time, knowledge, and expertise? Many people run into these issues when trying to solve outdoor issues with their yards or patio.
This is where hiring a yard drainage contractor or company can come in handy. Look for “drainage contractors near me” or “local drainage contractors” to get a list of businesses in your area. Ask them about receiving a free estimate for your yard or patio and get their recommendations for what work needs to be done.
Having a great drainage company available to call is great not only when you have a drainage issue, but it is also a great way to be prepared if there is ever a water-related emergency in your yard. Things like pipes bursting or heavy rain occasionally happen, and it’s good to have a plan in place beforehand. Being prepared means, you know who to call when the yard floods.
Yard Drainage Solutions
When it comes to yard drainage solutions, you have several great possible options! A few yard drainage solutions include:
Outdoor Drainage
These include options such as a French drain or dry well dug into the ground, which can help to catch excess runoff water and divert it elsewhere.
Rainwater Drainage System
A rainwater drainage system includes things like a gutter, which help move rainwater across your roof and through your yard, so it doesn’t disrupt common areas and plant life.
A Natural Solution Like a Pond
Ponds and rainwater gardens are both great natural-looking options that can help trap excess rainwater while providing a relaxing aesthetic to your outdoor space.
A Combination of the Above
If you live in an especially wet climate or if your property is situated somewhere that is prone to flood, a holistic approach to yard drainage may offer the most benefits.
Most often, combining some of these solutions can be the most helpful. The absolute best way to know what solution for drainage your yard needs is to consult with a local drainage professional. They can answer all of your questions related to your yard, suggest solutions, and help prevent future water-related issues.
Patio Drainage Options
When researching patio drainage options for your backyard, it is essential to include your patio space in the planning stages.
To find the best backyard drainage solutions for your yard, make sure you have a drainage option that provides ample drainage for your patio. A few problems that can occur if water builds underneath your patio include:
- Bugs, such as mosquitoes and larvae
- Flooding, including areas of standing water and mud
- Lawn damage, like root rot and yellowed or bare patches
- Cracked patio pavement, leading to uneven surfaces and unsafe conditions
Issues like these can cost you a lot of time and money down the road, so it’s important to address these issues as soon as possible when they occur. An even better practice is to work to prevent them before they ever actually start. Once water damage has already occurred, it is impossible to reverse it. Moreover, mitigating the effects of it can be quite extensive, requiring much time and expertise to restore your yard to its original condition. Therefore, it is always in your best interest to take an active role in maintaining your yard, spotting problem areas, and treating issues as soon as you’re aware of them.
Landscape Drainage Contractor
The right landscape drainage contractor can help furnish your yard with all of the best drainage options. When looking for yard drainage contractors, make sure they:
Have Experience
Search “landscaping services near me” in your favorite search engine and check out your local listings. What are the reviews like? Do they have a website? How long have they been in business? Questions like these can help you determine how knowledgeable they are and if they’re the right fit for your backyard project.
Have the Tools Required
When you’re having any sort of work done on your yard, it’s incredibly important that whoever is doing it has all of the necessary tools and equipment. Incorrect equipment doesn’t just mean the job is unlikely to be done well, but it’s an incredible liability. Make sure whatever yard drainage company that you contract is licensed, well-reviewed, and can tell you about previous work that they have done.
Are Within Your Price Range
Make sure that whoever you hire gives you an estimate beforehand and is within your general price range. While most estimates require a little leeway and aren’t an exact, fixed number, they can still provide you with an overall ballpark. Drawing up a budget beforehand and sticking to it can help to prevent stress down the road. The right landscape drainage experts will provide you with the perfect drainage solution for your yard at a price you can afford.
When managing drainage in your property in the yard, you must have a knowledgeable professional to get the job done. Researching options beforehand, having a budget, and planning can all aid you in making the most of your yard remodel. Enjoy a wonderful, easy-to-maintain yard for years to come with trusted drainage solutions offered by helpful professionals. Learn how Haulstr can help!
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