Rick Vs Cord Of Wood
Delivering Mulch & Firewood to Support Local Causes

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Rick Vs Cord Of Wood
Before you order your bulk firewood delivery for the season, you should understand the difference between a cord vs rick of wood. This will help you get the most out of your purchase.
The difference? A rick isn’t an exact measurement. A rick of firewood is a broad term, like “stack” or “pile” to give you a general idea of how much wood you’re getting. Because the concept of that number varies regionally, a “rick” is not a super consistent metric. The length of the logs will ultimately determine how much usable wood is in your pile.
Think of it this way: When you search “firewood delivery near me,” your standard for a cord of firewood should be a 4×8-foot pile. Just because a rick is stacked 4 feet high by 8 feet long doesn’t mean you’re getting as much wood as a cord. The logs might be cut shorter at one supplier, or have a bunch of air space from uneven log placement. So you could end up with a rick that is actually ⅓ of a cord. That being said, when you’re looking for “firewood near me,” you can usually expect logs to be cut 16 inches long, made to fit into the average fireplace or stove.
To better illustrate a rick vs cord of wood, know this: When you ask how many ricks in a cord of wood, the answer is around three. That’s an important distinction to make if you want a season’s worth of logs. You don’t want to pay for wood that gets you a third of the way through the season.
As you search “firewood for sale near me,” consider Haulstr. We offer pre-cut logs in bulk at standard size. These logs are quality Indiana hardwood, seasoned and ready to burn. You can order safe, no-contact firewood delivery to arrive at your doorstep on any date that works for you.
What Is A Rick Of Wood
You don’t buy firewood by the log, so terms like “a rick of wood” or a “1/2 rick of wood” make it easier to negotiate your purchase of bulk firewood.
Just what is a rick of wood? A “rick” refers to how a cord of wood is stacked. A load of firewood in a pick-up bed, for example, could be called a “rick.” A cord is a more precise firewood measurement of a woodpile: 4 feet high, 4 feet wide, and 8 feet long. All of that adds up to 128 cubic feet. So when you ask, “how many pieces of wood in a rick,” expect it to contain about 275-325 pieces (compared to a tight, well-stacked cord of 550-650 pieces).
Looking at the cost of a rick of wood, wood quality always affects price. Thicker, longer-burning logs will cost more (i.e. hardwood burns better than softwood). The same goes for pre-split, dry logs. “Green” or fresh, wet wood needs to wait between 6 months to year for seasoning, so it costs less than dry logs that are ready to throw on the fire. All that factored in, a cord of split, seasoned hardwood costs around $120-$180 nationwide.
How Much Is A Cord Of Wood
How much is a cord of wood? To put it in perspective, it definitely covers what you need for several months of heat. But there are different sizes of cords: full cords, face cords and half cords.
A “face cord” means about the same amount as a general “rick.” So how many face cords in a cord? Using what we already learned, a rick refers to ⅓ of a cord, all about 16-inch logs. When you’re deciding between face cord vs full cord, that means there are about three face cords to a full cord. A half cord of wood has larger 24-inch logs (these are less common aka less likely to fit your stove). And then there’s a stove cord, which is made up of shorter 12-inch logs. You can guess what these are for.
To review, a general breakdown looks like this:
- 12-inch wide rick: ¼ of a cord
- 16-inch wide rick: ⅓ of a cord (or “face cord”)
- 24-inch wide rick: half cord
When you’re shopping for firewood, it’s better to think in terms of cords, or actual, defined “amounts” of firewood. As far as cord of wood price, there’s a lot to consider. Firewood typically has a price hike in winter, running up to $200-$500 per cord. You might also pay extra for any additional cutting to make your wood a shorter length, all the same length (for a pretty pile), or for the wood to be clean and dry (aka ready to burn). Some suppliers throw in a stacking fee between $20-$30.
Here at Haulstr, we do not charge extra for split, seasoned wood that’s easier to carry and to fit where you actually burn it. That’s just our standard of quality.
Cord Of Wood Calculator
Let’s get out our cord of wood calculator. We already know how many cubic feet in a face cord of wood: 128. This includes logs 8 feet wide, 4 feet tall, and 4 feet deep. Within that 4x4x8 stack, the amount of wood in a cord can vary because of log length and air space. Because as we also learned, face cords (or “ricks”) have that same 4×8 frame, but the logs tend to be 16- to 18-inches.
So “how much does a rick of wood weigh” can be a loaded question. A third of a firewood cord can weigh anywhere from 625-2750 pounds. It depends on soft vs. hardwood and wet vs. dry. These factors affect the density of the wood, which directly impact the heaviness. It also factors in when you’re searching “cord of wood price near me”, because it affects the burn ease and duration.
Basically, to heat your whole home all season long, you’re going to want more than one rick or face cord of firewood. It’s better to grab two or three ricks, which is closer to a full cord. The size of your home and the number of heat sources you use can add to the lifespan of your firewood. But if you’re relying on firewood as your main heat source, buying in bulk can actually save you money.
Haulstr makes it super fast, convenient, and affordable to buy firewood in bulk. It’s all done online and our experts can talk you through how much firewood you’ll need for the season. We’ll always say this: when you’re searching “cord of wood for sale near me,” it’s a good idea to have more wood than you need on hand. After all, you’re trying to last the winter. A few leftovers is always more manageable and preferable than not having enough.
How Much Is A Rick Of Wood Worth
So, why is it called a rick of wood?
Remember how we said to think of a rick as a general term for “pile” or “stack?” That’s because “rick” realy is an old-timey English word for exactly that. It can apply to any kind of stack around a farm, not just wood. You can have a rick of hay, corn, etc.
When you’re looking at “how much is a rick of wood cost,” remember that a rick is about ⅓ of a cord. Expect to pay $50-$100 for a rick in spring and summer vs. $100-$200 in autumn and winter.
At Haulstr, we work with local firewood suppliers to source the best, seasoned Indiana firewood. Our firewood is mixed hardwood including oak, ash, cherry, and hickory. Order by the rick, and we deliver to your door. When you’re thinking of “rick of wood near me”, look no further than Haulstr.
The “donations” are built into your price as part of our “Wood for Good” model. Each Haulstr order starts with the support of a community cause. Once you select from our Indiana hardwood, our site provides a list of nonprofits fundraisers for you to donate a portion of your order cost. So when you ask “how much is a rick of wood worth,” consider that you’re also investing in your community hospitals, art scene, and all of the enrichment programs that make life more enjoyable. Which is worth a lot. Adding to that emotional investment, many of Haulstr’s local drivers dropping off your bulk firewood are former vets and firefighters.
Haulstr also provides promo codes and sales throughout the year so that when you search “rick of wood for sale near me” we can always be the best option. Want to learn more about Haulstr’s firewood delivery? Contact us today and a team member will be in touch!
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